Even if you are not a registered patient of the practice, we will always do our very best to see you as quickly as possible to sort out your pain. You can book an emergency appointment with us online 24/7 by clicking here.
If you need to see a dentist in an emergency, please call the Deveron Dental Centre in Huntly preferably before 10am and we will assess your needs over the telephone. We will endeavour to offer an appointment for you to see a dentist at the practice within 24 hours if you are in pain. We will offer you the first available appointment if you have a broken tooth.
We operate an out of hours emergency dentist rota in conjunction with the Aberdeenshire General Dental Emergency Service (GDENS).
This service should only be accessed in the case of a severe dental emergency that is unable to wait until the next available clinic. Please call 01466 794089 and our answering machine will give further details of the how to reach the dentist on call.
Please be aware that there may be a charge for this service.
Non registered patients
If you are not registered with the practice but you have an emergency, please call us on 01466 794089. We will do our very best to offer you an appointment to be seen as soon as possible.
Out with these hours, please call NHS 24 on 111.
You may find the following advice helpful:
It is normal to experience pain or discomfort for 2-3 weeks after having a tooth out. It is very rare for the dentist to need to prescribe a course of antibiotics to help the mouth to heal.
We recommend that if you follow the instructions below and allow the mouth time to heal, it is very unlikely that you will need to see the dentist for further treatment.
If you are suffering from discomfort or tenderness, we advise you take one of the following painkillers:
Paracetamol, 2 x 500mg tablets, 4 times daily
(at breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime)
Ibuprofen (neurofen) 1-2 x 200mg tablets, 3 times daily
(at 11am, 3pm, 8pm)
If the discomfort is severe, you can take both Paracetamol and Ibuprofen as directed above.
* Avoid taking Ibuprofen if you are taking anticoagulants such as Warfarin or Aspirin or if you suffer from asthma or stomach problems.
It is important that you keep your mouth as clean as possible after having a tooth out. To help your mouth to heal quickly, we suggest that you gently rinse your mouth after every meal with hot salt mouthwashes (1tsp of salt dissolved in warm water).
To prevent infection forming, we also advise that you use Corsodyl mouthwash, twice a day for 10 days to help prevent infection from forming.
We advise that you DO NOT SMOKE for at least 48 hours, particularly if you are finding the socket to be painful.
If you feel small sharp pieces of bone working their way out of the socket, don’t worry, this is normal.
Bleeding following an extraction
If you find that the bleeding does not stop within 10-15 minutes, fold a clean, damp hankie, tissue, gauze pad or facecloth into a sausage shape and bite down firmly for a full 30 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
Rest for 2-3 hours after the extraction, while the anaesthetic wears off an the blood clot forms.
Avoid rinsing your mouth for the first 24 hours. If you rinse your mouth you will wash away the blood clot and you may start bleeding again.
Avoid sucking hard or disturbing the clot with your tongue.
Eat on the opposite side to avoid disturbing the blood clot. Avoid hot food & drinks, spicy foods and hard or chewy foods. Allow your food to cool down before eating.
DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL for at least 48 hours. Alcohol thins your blood, making you more likely to start bleeding again.
If you have recently had a filling done at the dentist, you may find your tooth is sensitive to hot and cold. This can take several weeks to settle down.
You can help to relieve the sensitivity by rubbing sensitive toothpaste directly onto the tooth. We recommend that you use either Sensodyne Proenamel or Colgate Sensitive prorelief toothpaste and you can rinse with Sensodyne Proenamel Mouthwash.
The toothpaste/mouthwash will soothe the nerve endings in the tooth and with regular use, will form a barrier layer to protect your tooth from hot and cold sensations. It can take 3 – 4 weeks for the barrier layer to form and for the sensitivity to improve.
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