Deveron Dental Centre
Ogilvie Avenue
United Kingdom
AB54 8AT
If you would like to register as an NHS patient of the practice, please CLICK HERE to book an appointment online. This will take you to our booking diary, where you can select the dentist you wish to register with and book a suitable appointment.
When you search for an appointment, please make sure the buttons “New” and “NHS” are highlighted in grey. If you book in as an “Existing” “NHS” patient, your appointment will be automatically ancelled.
If there are any available new patient registration appointments, you will be able to book in online.
If there are no new patient registration appointments available, please keep checking back regularly as we release new patient registration appointments every day, at random times throughout the day, up to 30 days in advance.
Unfortunately, we are unable to register new patients over the telephone or via email and we are not operating a waiting list at present. The only way to register with our practice is through the online booking facility at the link above. We are also not taking on any private patients as we are a fully NHS practice.
If you are not registered with an NHS dentist at present and you are having pain or problems with your mouth, then please contact NHS 24 on 111 and they will be able to help.
If you have any other queries, please feel free to complete this contact form, or alternatively, please email us at
Thank you
Deveron Dental Centre
Ogilvie Avenue
United Kingdom
AB54 8AT