As you may already be aware, the Scottish Government have committed to providing dentists with a new NHS model of care, which will be introduced to all our patients at the Deveron Dental Centre from 1st November 2023.

The new NHS model is a simplified version of the current NHS model.  The Scottish Government have reduced the number of available dental treatments from 400, down to 45 treatments, which will hopefully make it much easier for our patients to understand.

The new NHS model aims to ensure that our dental practice can continue to provide high quality NHS dental care for our patients at the highest clinical standard.


  • We will continue to offer NHS treatments to all our patients
  • Existing patients will all remain registered as NHS patients
  • New patients will also be registered as NHS patients
  • We will continue to offer the full range of NHS treatments to our patients
  • Private treatments will continue to be available for any treatments unavailable/no longer available on the NHS
  • If you pay for your dental treatment, the NHS fee will increase from 1st November 2023


Check Ups

  • NHS check ups will still be free for ALL patients
  • However, in line with the new NHS guidance, we are no longer able to provide 6 monthly NHS check ups 
  • Instead, we will assess your mouth and dental history and offer you a check up every 12,18 or 24 months depending on your individual clinical needs

Scale & Polishes

  • We will still be able to remove tartar/calculus build up during an NHS scaling
  • We will no longer be able to polish your teeth and remove stains at the end of an NHS scaling
  • We are no longer able to guarantee that you will see a Dental Therapist for your NHS scaling
  • NHS scalings will now be carried out during your check up appointment by one of our dentists


If you wish to see our Dental Therapist for your hygiene appointments, or if you wish for us to still polish your teeth and remove any staining,  we will be offering AIRFLOW®  as an alternative oral hygiene treatment option.

AIRFLOW® uses a fine jet of compressed air, warm water and fine powder to remove tartar, plaque/biofilm build up and staining, giving a gentle yet more efficient way of cleaning both above and below the gum line.

AIRFLOW® also removes stains caused by tea, coffee, tobacco and red wine much more effectively than a traditional scale & polish.

With AIRFLOW®, the water is heated to 40 degrees, so the procedure is pain free, even for people with extremely sensitive teeth.

To receive £20 off your first AIRFLOW® Treatment, please Quote AIR20 when booking your oral hygiene appointment.